Monday, May 24, 2010

The Malaria

Two Fridays ago I just started feeling really ridiculously tired. I kept having to lie down; sitting wasn’t even enough. I just chalked it up to the heat because it can really take it out of you. I just told Sarah that I was really tired and didn’t feel right. We headed out to the village the following Tuesday and I just kept wearing out really easily and feeling extremely weak. We’d walk to a friend’s compound or something and I would HAVE to lie down on the mat. And I’d fall asleep pretty much every time I did. Again, figured it was the heat. Well then I started feeling achy and running a low fever, but I never had any of the digestive issues that usually accompany malaria. We came back in to G-Vegas on Friday and took my temperature again. It wasn’t that high, but I told Sarah I wanted to go ahead and get a test done so we could rule it out. I’m glad we did because the test was positive. So I started the 3-day treatment and pretty much did nothing but lay around this weekend. Today (Monday) is the first day I’ve felt somewhat normal…I’m still taking it fairly easy...but tomorrow I should be good to head back out to the village.


  1. Oh wow! I'm glad you're feeling at least a little better.

  2. I don't like to hear this kind of news....

    Take care of yourself!

  3. I'm so glad you are feeling better! We are praying for you - last night at Hack all the youth made sure that we prayed for you and that you would be healed quickly!!!

  4. You seemed to handle this very well, glad you are feeling better, will be praying.

  5. So glad you are feeling better! That's SCARY!!
