Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Last Month, Part 9: What about electricity?

So basically, what you need to know, is that we spent the next few days there and finished testing the Stories that were ready to be tested.  We did have to use the computer, though, and that means the computer needed to be charged.  Sometimes we would just get in the truck and drive around a while with the computer plugged in.  Other times we'd have to drive in to what I will call Bread Town.  The girls who live in Max's village have a weekend home in Bread Town so that they can have access to running water and electricity for a couple days a week.  The electricity is only turned on for about 10 hours a day, though, so we had to be strategic about when we went in.  Once the electricity came on, we'd plug the computer in, and I'd sit there entering testing answers and documenting changes that needed to be made into the Excel document for as long as I could.  I'd send the Excel documents off to Nafi as I finished them so that she could be looking at them and letting us know if we needed to further test anything.  We'd catch a few hours of sleep, wake up, and head back to Tea Village for another round of testing.

Interesting side note:  I love Bread Town.  You have to drive through Bread Town when you are going back and forth from our original village to the capital, so we'd been through Bread Town a lot.  It's the last place that you can get fuel for a long time so you never drive through without stopping.  Incidentally, they also sell the most delicious fresh-baked bread on the street.  It's my favorite.  A road trip wasn't complete until I'd gotten some bread and a bottle of Coke.  But the really cool thing is that my friends, Ethan & Emily, sponsor a child through World Vision.  They chose her because she has my same Malian name, so she's definitely a little Sunny girl...and guess where she lives...Bread Town!!

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