Thursday, February 11, 2010

Training: Week 2

On Sunday, we spent the afternoon playing in the fun! On the way to the giant hill (which the pictures do not do justice), a minor snowball fight broke out. We had to stop, though, because they weren't so much nice, fluffy "snowballs" as they were hard, painful "ice chunks."

Then we got to the (giant & steep) hill, but there were no sleds! Well, my genius of a roommate decided to try sledding down on her jacket, which was kind of slick. It worked beautifully even though it kind of looked like a diaper. Eventually a legitimate sled disc showed up, but the best of all was a huge inner tube! And as if sledding wasn't just fun, it's also a pretty good workout (did I mention the hill was giant AND steep?)

I'm having the time of my's a lot like camp and we all know how much I love camp. I've gotten to know some really great, fun, godly, and hilarious people and we're all in the same boat. I've learned SO MUCH more than I even thought possible and I absolutely cannot WAIT to get overseas. I'm also learning a lot about how much I need to grow in my faith and how much closer my walk with God needs to be. I listened to Brett's sermon from Malachi on the refiner's fire and launderer's soap the other day and then my quiet time was in 2 Timothy 3 talking about how a man must cleanse himself in order to be used as an instrument for noble purposes and prepared to do any good work. I want that!!! I want so badly to be...just...wildly effective for the kingdom, ready to be used by God for WHATEVER He chooses. And God's showing me that I've got some cleaning up to do first...but His glory is completely worth it.

And now, for some pictures:


  1. Let me get this're in the snow training for the desert? Grandma says that makes sense!!
    We think about you and are praying for you all the time. Glad it is going so well. We miss you but trust you are where you are suppose to be.

  2. Hey...if Rube says it makes sense, it makes sense!! Also...hearing your voice in the background the other day made me miss you an awfully lot. When I'm back during those 2 weeks, we're going to have a really good gab session...or whatever Val likes to call it :)
