Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Well, of course there was dancing.

I went to Jenny’s home on Monday for my first language lesson. I took some drawings of people and animals to work on some basic vocabulary and then we worked on some basic verbs…you know…sit, stand, walk, run, lay down, sleep, jump…stuff like that. To get those, I acted them out, then practiced having Jenny say one and I would do what she said. There were a couple of ladies sitting out under her porch with us and they were having a good ol’ time making me run and jump around the yard and pretend to be asleep. When we were done they were all clapping for me and I was clapping for myself, and then the clapping sort of turned into dancing…which was, of course, awesome.

I’m pretty pleased that during my very first language lesson, I not only learned the Sunny word for “dance,” but learned it because it spontaneously happened in celebration of my verb comprehension. We’re going to a wedding in a couple of weeks and I do believe there will be dancing. They’re gonna love the floor-slap.


  1. Oh my goodness - as I am reading this I can totally see you acting out each verb in total Michelle fashion!!! At any point did you run and click your heels together?? Oh I wish we could watch you do all of this - like a reality tv show :)

  2. Wish we could be at that wedding with you! Please do not leave out the floor-slap. That will be so awesome. Instant credibility! :)

  3. Really wish I could see all of that. I'm sure my imagination doesn't do it justice! Please don't offend anyone while dancing!

  4. Hilarious! I wish I could see (and hear) the reaction that will come w/ the floor slap! It'll be great!
